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ZA 09 mrt  |  18.00 - 22.00 uur

Sacred sound, voice & cacao ceremony

  • Yoga Innerwork | Gonca Gürses van Herpen
  • 77,00 | (including soup & ceremonial cacao drink)

This ceremony is an invitation to sing, sound, voice, play, explore, reclaim and awaken the different aspects of ourselves through vocal expression, sacred sounds, and cacao; so that we can reconnect to our real selves that may have been silenced and buried for a long time.

Sacred Sound, Voice & Cacao Ceremony is a deep inner journey of discovery into the healing forces of our most intimate musical instrument – our voice, through the alchemy of sacred sounds & cacao. The process aims to invite the voices in our heads into silence and to open a door for a new relationship between us and the transformative quality of our vocal expression. To bring us closer to our beautiful, authentic true self, soul, essence.

  • The voice is our bridge to something bigger than ourselves; it is our connection to the big spirit, the source. 
  • We end the ceremony with Sacred Sound and Cacao ceremony where we will set on a journey inside with the healing sounds and raw ceremonial cacao, which has been used in ceremonies in South America for thousands of years and is considered sacred.
  • Cacao supports us to communicate easily with our inner guidance and the vibrations of healing sounds open up the field to a deeper level.
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