VR 25 okt  |  20.00 - 21.45 uur

Indian Classical Music Concert - Dhrupad

  • Healing Sounds / Matinee-Global |
  • Free parking walk-in 19.30 Tickets available at the hall at the start of the concert
  • 17,50 | HaarlemPas/CJP € 15.00

About the artists


Marianne Svašek, born in the Netherlands, studied Indian classical singing at the Rotterdam Conservatory with Ustad Zia Mohiuddin Dagar and Uday Bhawalkar. Since 1994 she has been taught in India by Ustad Zia Fariduddin Dagar. After his death in 2013, she continues her studies of Dhrupad with Pt.Nirmalya Dey. She was awarded a gold medal at the Dhrupad Mela in Varanasi in 2014. Marianne Svašek also studied sarangi (a string instrument with three main strings and 35 resonant strings) with Joep Bor and Pandit Ram Narayan. She graduated with laude in both disciplines at the Rotterdam Conservator.y Marianne gives workshops and concerts in Europe, the US, India and Pakistan.


Marluz Kristel graduated from the conservatorium from Marianne Svašek and is seen as a great talent in the Dhrupad singing style.


Nathanaël van Zuilen: Dutch pakhawaj player Nathanaël van Zuilen started his Indian drum career with Manik Munde. He later developed his technique with Austrian pakhawaj player Helmut Waibl and Pandit Sanjay Agle in Mumbai. But the accompaniment sessions with singer Ustad Fariduddin Dagar, Uday Bhawalkar and rudra veena player Bahauddin Dagar were perhaps the most revealing in discovering the secrets of balancing tala and raga in the art of dhrupad.

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