Explore deep connection to yourself and others in a day of rest, play, movement and touch. An invitation to connect to your body, your presence, your enoughness and fan the erotic flame.This one day mini-retreat, will offer a day of rest, play, movement and touch. A space where you can be surprised by your own body. Where touch and presence and curiosity are a language in and of themselves.

This day is a gift to yourself. A chance to step out of daily life and sink into something restful, playful and sexy. An opportunity to explore connecting deeply to yourself while creating beautiful connections with others.

  • Do you want to experience connection without needing to perform, strive or prove anything?
  • What if your eroticism emerged from what your body actually wants and not an image of how it should be or what it’s supposed to want?
  • Would you like to discover your eroticism rising from a place of your inherent worth rather than a place to prove it?

Skylar and Simon will lead you through a series of exercises designed to take you into a deeper restful relationship with your body so that you are able to feel your deeper desires and needs. From this point we play with bringing these out in a soft and gentle way and give you the space to truly be you, before connecting with others. An invitation to connect to your body, your presence, your enoughness. To fan the erotic flame and connect with others.

The day is for queer masculinities (a spectrum of male-bodied, male-identified, genderqueer, and non-binary identifying people). Consenual nudity will be optional but not required during parts of the event

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