Women Who Dance - Uniting people through dance to support human flourishing

 Women Who Dance | Emily Jenkins

Women Who Dance is a new project Emily has launched in order to serve women in Haarlem - where she lives. It combines her love of dance and live drumming, and aims to create a community of passionate and confident local dancers.

Women Who Dance aims to build connection and enable (physical and mental) expansion - resulting in a more creative and confident community of local dancers. We focus on flow, release and joy!

Grounded in contemporary dance and rhythmic explorations, this dance weekend is designed to awaken the senses and cultivate a feeling of aliveness - supported by a live female drummer.

  • Emily works inclusively, welcoming all women - exactly as you are - and people who identify as women. No prior dance experience is necessary.

Over Emily Jenkins

Emily is an established, international dance artist with an embedded social and wellbeing practice. She has a values based approach to dance, which focuses on RELEASE, RECIPROCITY and CELEBRATION.

Emily designs, implements and artistically leads original dance projects. She has worked within participatory dance for over a decade, and in that time has facilitated countless dance experiences and created many opportunities for dance engagement.

  • She is an established international dance artist with an embedded social and wellbeing practice that focuses on release, reciprocity and celebration.

With a special interest in womens health, Emily founded Move Dance Feel (UK) in 2016 which offers dance specificially to women living with and beyond cancer. Now living in the Netherlands, she is currently working with Scapino Ballet Rotterdam to run a project for young people affected by cancer.

"Emily has a warm and caring approach towards us all, and at the same time introduces us to challenging ideas that give us great insight into the power and meaning of dance." - Participant

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